Meet the techs of CWBR!

Melody Choplin-Hoover
Melody is a 1991 graduate of Red Wing Technical College and also holds a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Oboe. She has worked in the past as a technician and shop foreman for Pearson Music Company and Duncan Music Company. She is well known throughout North Carolina as a highly skilled technician in both woodwinds and brasses. Melody was the first repair specialist and instructor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and held that position for over a decade. While she was there, she developed a comprehensive repair curriculum for band and orchestra directors. Her classes and clinics on instrument repair are designed to help music directors deal with day to day repair problems as well as maintenance, troubleshooting, and how to work with repair technicians. She also worked with students as apprentices, and help launch their careers in the field of repair. In 2013, she published a book on repair called “Stuff Band Directors Need to Know” which is used as a text book as well as a resource for music educators. Melody has been a Regional Director, and served on the Executive Board as Secretary and President of NAPBIRT (National Association of Band Instrument Repair Technicians) of which she is a long time member and clinician. Currently, Melody owns and operates her own repair shop, Carolina Wind and Brass Repair in Clemmons, NC. She is an active performer in the community, playing with several groups and continues to study, improve, and add to her repair skill sets. She lives with her husband and a rescue mutt or two.
David Hohe
David Hohe started his career as a trumpet major at UNCG School of Music and quickly became enamored of the Band Instrument Repair field. He took the leap in 2016 to go to Southeast Minnesota college and become a repairer of band instruments. He spent 5 years as the main regional tech at Sam Ash taking stock from up to 7 stores. In 2023 he reached out to Melody Choplin about a partnership and serious expansion, and in July he became part owner of Carolina Wind and Brass Repair. Dave brings to the table excellent skills in machining, parts, and tool making, plus new tech in 3D printing and design.